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What is the role of the Polo Museale della Sardegna? How is it organized and which museums does it manage?


The Direzione regionale Musei Sardegna is a peripheral organ of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism which provides its expertise and professionalism for the implementation of public services in the enjoyment and use of museums, monuments and state archaeological areas.

By defining common strategies and goals, it promotes cooperation with different regional cultural institutes in order to create cultural and tourist paths as well as educational and technological innovation.

The Direzione regionale Musei Sardegna works to encourage user participation and maximize the accessibility to museums that preserve the archaeological, artistic and historical heritage of Sardinia.



    • Cosa fa la Direzione regionale

      • 01 It leads and coordinates state museums belonging to the region

        It organizes the activities of managing, enhancing, communicating and promoting the regional museum system, in strict contact with the coordinating museum directors.

      • 02 It enhances the cultural heritage

        It sets common valuation strategies and goals for the widest use of cultural heritage and the creation of integrated museum services.

      • 03 It assures high quality service standards

        It assures high quality standards for museums of its own competence with regards to management and communication as well as educational and technological innovation.

      • 04 It concludes agreements to enhance landscape assets

        It collaborates with the State and the local authorities for the definition of cultural territorial programs and strategic plans for cultural development.

      • 05 It promotes cultural itineraries

        It works with local authorities and institutions to integrate routes and services in tourist-cultural itineraries.

      • 06 It encourages active participation

        It promotes and manages awareness-raising projects and public fundraising campaigns to support cultural heritage.


      Francesco Muscolino



  • Museums

    Direzione regionale Musei Sardegna manages and coordinates the museums, archaeological areas and parks, and monuments located within the Sardinian territory.


The landscape is a homogeneous part of a territory whose characteristics originate from nature, human history and reciprocal inter-relationships.

Sardinia is an extraordinarily rich region of history, nature and traditions. A varied ecosystem of sandy beaches, mountains and valleys join forces with an age-old culture from the many facets and gestures exhibited in stunning landscapes, small villages and hidden architecture; living signs of a true “continental island”..


From one end of the island to the other, you can admire the indelible signs of the Nuragic Civilization, the impressive Statues of Mont’e Prama, the Gothic-Catalan Retablias, an important testimony of the Spanish presence on the island, the paintings by famous Sardinian artists dating to the 19th and 20th centuries, traditional clothes, ethnographic collections, the residence where Giuseppe Garibaldi lived and where still today it is possible to admire his precious memorabilia. The National Archaelogical Museum in Cagliari, Sassari, Nuoro and Porto Torres, the Pinacoteca Nazionale in Cagliari and the Pinacoteca Nazionale in Sassari, the Museum System of Caprera, including the Compendio Garibaldino and the Giuseppe Garibaldi Memorial, the archaeological areas in Monte d’Accoddi and the “Su Nuraxi” area in Barumini – inscribed on the Unesco World Heritage list – the Basilica of San Saturnino in Cagliari, a paleo-Christian monument among the most significant of the Mediterranean Basin, the former Royal Archaeological Museum National and the San Pancrazio Space in Cagliari.

THE Direzione regionale Musei Sardegna

The Direzione regionale Musei Sardegna is one of the major innovations introduced in 2014 following the reform of the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Ministry. The Polo Museale promotes different activities, including the promotion and the development of state museums, the creation of a regional museum system and the promotion of a constant dialogue with other public and private institutions in the territory.

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