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The town of gold and silver: the traditional jewelry of Ittiri.

The study, the knowledge, and the protection of the Sardinian clothing tradition. While waiting for the 33rd edition of Ittiri Folk Festa, the Polo Museale of Sardinia, in collaboration with the Associazione Culturale e Folkloristica Ittiri Cannedu, is presenting a preview of Sestos 2018, and is organizing a conference held by the archaeologist in charge of the Ethnographic Section of the Museo “Sanna”,  Gian Mario Demartis. This event, titled The town of gold and silver: the traditional jewelry of Ittiri, is to be held in the conference hall of the Museo Archeologico ed Etnografico “G.A. Sanna” of Sassari, on Friday 16 March, 2018, from 17.30 to 19.00.

Traditional sardinian drees – Ittiri

The Museum is participating in the only Sardinian multi-annual convention specifically dedicated to the aspects and problems of the folk Sardinian clothes, illustrating the three traditional garments of the women of Ittiri,  and representing the different types of historical clothing. Among these, displayed inside the large glass case in the Ethnographic Hall, there is a beautiful ceremonial dress with the typical buttonera, embellished with a beaded red coral necklace.

This occurrence is part of scheduled events for Musei di Storia  with the theme Gold and Silver.