On Sunday 5 May, 2019, during the event Monumenti aperti – Open Monuments, the Pinacoteca Nazionale of Sassari in collaboration with the Accademia di Belle Arti “Mario Sironi” di Sassari is presenting an educational journey titled Al Museo….ci vado anch’io, dedicated to the figure of Francesco Barbieri, also known as the Guercino.
There will be the projection of two multimedial works created by the Department of Communication and Didactics of the Art of the Siorioni Academy, La chiesa … con le gambe e Giovanni Marghinotti.
Pinacoteca Nazionale, piazza Santa Caterina, 4, Sassari
Tel. + 39 079 231560
e-mail: pm-sar.pinacoteca.sassari@beniculturali.it
Laboratory: from 10.00 to 12.00, from 15.30 to 17.30
Opening museum: from 9.00 to 18.00 (last entry 17.30)