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Which services does Polo Museale della Sardegna offer? Which projects and initiatives does it coordinate and promote?




Instructional activity is one of the top priorities when it comes to the mission of the Direzione regionale Musei Sardegna and is one of the main aspects that helps the Direzione regionale Musei Sardegna really stand out in terms of museums. In the website there is a list of projects listed that can enhance the schools from the territory. The projects include different types of activities: technical-artistic workshops, articulated instructional itineraries, multimedia laboratories, creative working groups, Schoo-Workl Alternating, guided tours and workshops dedicated to different types of themes that are both scholastic and not (guided tours and instructional activities that are not specifically mentioned in the original educational offer, for schools or other groups/categories).

“The end game is to favour a raised awareness of our cultural legacy, extending the right to active participation of citizens in cultural and social aspects of their very country, all the while paying close attention to the scholastic part of our population, which can use such a resource as a way to enrich their instructional experiences. The proposals take form based on instructional planning and historical documentaries, workshops, internships, alternating work and school activities, meeting series, guided tours and other educational activities” (from the portal

  • Educational services

The Direzione regionale Musei Sardegna, with its educational services regarding museums that are renewed each year according to the educational offers, coordinates with the Educational Services Office of the Direzione regionale Musei Sardegna.

  • Internships

Internships are offered to universities, schools and research institutions as well as other schools in partnership with the Polo Museale della Sardegna. For more information contact the Educational Services Office of the Direzione regionale Musei Sardegna. 

  • Work/School Alternating 

The national educational and training system reform (L. 107/2015 cd La Buona Scuola) has introduced new features regarding work-school alternating, making this a mandatory feature for all students in a three-year degree program in any field of study regarding secondary school.

Please refer to the MIUR website for more information 


Educational Services Office of the Direzione regionale Musei Sardegna



For non-profit personal use, study purposes or for cultural promotion, photographing works and cultural property on display in state-operated museums without the use of flash, lights, selfie sticks, tripods or other support is allowed.

For these same purposes, the rights to the reproduction of the photo and/or publication of images, except for eventual reimbursement of material costs undergone by the Polo Museale or by the museum for its reproduction, are granted free of charge.

For other uses, including commercial ones, authorization requests are necessary as well as verifying the application of a fee or amount for the photograph and/or image publication of the State’s cultural property.

Consult the Resources page for links regarding necessary procedures.


The concession of state property for use as managed by the Ministry for Culture and Heritage falls under the Code of the Cultural  and Landscape Heritage.

Consult the Resources page for links regarding necessary procedures.


In addition to exhibitionscultural manifestations and promotional initiatives, every museum, in order to meet the needs of enhancement of cultural property and promotion, offers the public the following services: 

  • Access, reception 
  • Ticket office on site 
  • Guided tours and instructional assistance 
  • Archive material consultation and scientific activity use 

Pursuant to art. 115 of the Code of the Cultural  and Landscape Heritage, these so-called additional services may be managed in a direct or indirect form entrusted to private parties.

The cultural services contract does not transfer the entire asset management activity, but rather only the exercise of some ancillary activities. By granting the concession of public cultural service, the administration transfers to the concessionaire the task of enhancing and managing the cultural asset in question.

Between 2009 and 2010, the Ministry published and amended the so-called Guidelines regarding activation and reliance when granting such services to Italian cultural institutes.

The Direzione regionale Musei Sardegna looks after the definition of agreements with other public and private entities when it comes to the management of common services for the benefit of the visitor.


The Service Quality Charter is the document with which the museum presents itself to the public with a brief description of its identity and mission, the functions and the activities that it performs; it identifies the services, forms and methods via which users can access them. Therefore, it performs the dual function of museum presentation and charter of user rights.

The Charter is a communicative and informative tool which enables users to learn about the services offered and to check that the commitments undertaken are fulfilled, and to express their assessments, also in the form of complaint.


During strikes, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage and Tourism ensures minimal services from museums and other cultural locations, as per prior agreements with union organizers, and considered valid by the order pursuant to law 182/2015.

In the event of a strike, museums and other cultural locations shall remain attainable with the opening of at least 50% of spaces normally open to the public, or following the guaranteed timeframe corresponding to 50% of the normal hours open to the public.

All information and access conditions in the event of a strike can be found on the official Polo Museale website as well as the sites of any cultural locations of interest. Given that an on-going strike could also cause unforeseen variations, museum visitors are kindly asked to consult the information channels indicated before visiting.

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