Musical styles and languages for a new experience at the Museum.
The Museo Nazionale Archeologico ed Etnografico “G.A. Sanna” of Sassari is presenting a concert/lesson on Sunday 1 July, at 18.00. The event is in collaboration with the Polifonica Santa Cecilia Onlus of Sassari, and is titled Walk in polyphony. It will be an occasion to extend the polyphonic music style, and its significant choral repertoire, to the public. Matteo Taras, the choir director, will accompany the listeners through the most important historical phases of the Western polyphonic production, from the Renaissance to the twentieth century compositions. The description of the musical aspects that characterize every style, and their historical origin, will be enriched with musical performances throughout the evening. The polyphonic repertoire will be addressed in the two main categories, sacred and profane. Performances will be a cappella or accompanied by the organ. The chosen authors for this musical walk will be P.L. Palestrina, J. Arcadelt, R. Schumann, A Bruckner, A. Part.