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Fruit of the loom. The role of the weaver between tradition and innovation

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, on Thursday 8 March 2018, there will be a meeting with the weaver Anna Pintus at the Museo Sanna of Sassari,

The dedication and pride of a woman. Young weaver Pintus reveals the art of loom weaving, the activity to which she decided to devote herself to with great passion, and that led to the opening of her own laboratory in Tratalias, in South Sardinia, called Sa Domu de su linu, the house of flax.

During the meeting, the weaver is going to talk about her important work, based on the most ancient methods of cultivation and extraction of natural fibers such as, flax, hemp, and sea linen, and to which she applies coloring techniques obtained from natural essences. The creations handcrafted by Arianna’s expert hands are a perfect synthesis of tradition and innovation, and they bring back to life a past that, projected in the present, reveals itself in all its modernity.

During the meeting, the weaver will donate a tapestry themed A young weaver to the Museo Sanna, which will be exhibited in the Ethnographic Hall.