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Liquid Museum

Aim of the project:Improving the accessibility of the Cagliari National Archaeological Museum: breaking down physical and sensory barriers, updating languages ​​and contents. 

  • Museo archeologico Cagliari_1
  • Museo archeologico Cagliari_1

Short description of the project: increasing the accessibility and the inclusion paths within the project promoted by Culture without Obstacles launched by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism. 

The renovation of the exhibition spaces allowed for the elimination of physical and sensory barriers and also the concept of accessibility, meaning the museum becomes “liquid”, ready to consider its own content, technologies and methods of fruition and making them adaptable to different types of users. The accessibility was intended also as the relationship that the museum has with its own territory: it was created with the aim of establishing a close communication with the archaeological realities of Sardinia where the 4,000 pieces exhibited come from. It was also important to recognize the role of the museum within the system of the Polo Museale della Sardegna, a network of museums and territorial sites connected with local cultural realities. 

Scientific Reference Officer: until February 2017, refer to Mrs. Donatella Mureddu; from March 2017 on, please refer to Mr. Roberto Concas, director of the Archaeological Museum of Cagliari.