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The monumental trees on Garibaldi’s farm.

To commemorate the Italian Republic Day and the 139th anniversary of Giuseppe Garibaldi’s death, the Compendio Garibaldino on Caprera is organizing an event which will include a solemn wreath-laying ceremony at 11:00am, followed by a conference titled The monumental trees on Garibaldi’s farm.

The event will be presided by Francesco Muscolino, director of the Direzione regionale Musei Sardegna and Giannina Granara, director of the Musei Garibaldini. Other partecipants are Ignazio Camarda, president of the Istituto Sardo di Lettere e Arti, and Gabriella Vacca, professor of the same institute, Giovanni Piero Sanna, director of the Consevatoria delle Coste della Sardegna, and Giancarlo Muntoni, executive officer of the Corpo Forestale of Sassari.

Fabio Lai, mayor of La Maddalena, Battista Cualbu, president of the Coldiretti Sardegna, and Senator Mario Birardi will also be attending the event.

The conference will be an opportunity of great interest and relevance to learn about the trees on the south-American-style “fazenda”, built by Garibaldi on Caprera, and the redevelopment of the land he farmed, a great green area which stretched between Cala Garibaldi and the White House, through the “Fontanaccia”, where it is still possible to admire a pine forest and an olive grove.