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The art of weapons. A journey into the history of the bladed weapons

A journey through the historical evolution of bladed weapons and the panoply, known as the armor of the warrior and the soldier. To discover the secrets of medieval weapons and armor through related studies, the Polo Museale of Sardinia, with the contribution of the cultural association, Memoriae Milites, will host a conference presented by Andrea Garau from the University of Cagliari, titled “The art of weapons. A journey into the history of bladed weapons”. The lecture will take place in the conference room of San Pancrazio’s space, inside the Cittadella dei Musei, Piazza Arsenale 1, in Cagliari, on Thursday, 7 December 2017, at 17:00.
Bladed weapons will be on display for viewers, particularly the most ancient ones. They are extraordinary artifacts of fine workmanship, with the descriptions of materials, the composition, and the various geometric shapes related to the utilization. For this occasion, Memoriae Milites, the Association of historical re-enactment and swordplay of Cagliari, will present the true reproduction of some weapons, and their related use.
A guided tour of the collection from the Pinacoteca Nazionale of Cagliari will follow.
This occurrence is part of scheduled events for Musei di Storia with the theme “Iron and Fire”.
The exhibition will be open Tuesday thru Saturday, from 9:00 to 13:00, until Saturday, 6 January 2018.