The city of Sassari in the paintings of the Sardinian artists of the 1900s. Learning about history through the art of painting.
The Pinacoteca Nazionale of Sassari will be exceptionally open from 18.00 to 21.00 on Sunday 22 July, 2018. The inauguration of the temporary exhibition titled Thàtari. Images of a city will be at 17.00.

Le Cresimande a Santa Maria, Mario Delitala, 1949
The project is part of scheduled events organized for the Faradda de li Candelieri (Descent of the Candlesticks), one of the most important and heartfelt festivities of Sardinia. Attention to the city will be focused through the art of the great island maestros, exhibited in the Pinacoteca. The exhibition will be followed by the preparation of the candlestick of the Gremio degli Ortolani (agricultural workers association), that with other corporations of Sassari, fulfilled the vow to honor the Virgin Mary of the Assumption on the 14th August. Artists such as Stanis Dessy, Mario Delitala, Giuseppe Biasi, Battista Ardau Cannas, and Filippo Figari will be available to the public in a dedicated space. A new way to show Thàtari’s art and culture to the citizens and the numerous tourists present in Sardinia, through images of the greatest painters of the island, and the preparation of the Candlestick, waiting for the festivity.
The exhibition will be visitable until 22 September 2018.