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Sassari and Giovanni Antonio Sanna. Sanna’s cultural heritage 200 years after his birth.

The relationship between the city of Sassari and its illustrious citizen. Giovanni Antonio Sanna and his passion for art, archaeology, and culture.

The Museo Nazionale Archeologico ed Etnografico “Giovanni Antonio Sanna, in occasion of its fifth event of the Il Sanna fuori dal Sanna – The Sanna outside the Sanna is celebrating its founder at the Pinacoteca nazionale of Sassari on Thursday 29 August, at 16.00 with a conference titled Sassari and Giovanni Antonio Sanna. Sanna’s cultural heritage 200 years after his birth.

Participants to the conference will be Paolo Fadda with a lecture titled “Giovanni Antonio Sanna. A great citizen of Sassari, a savvy entrepreneur, and man of the Risorgimento”, and Alessandro Ponzeletti with a speech titled “The Sassari places of Giovanni Antonio Sanna”.

It will be an opportunity to shed light on the exceptional personality of the patron, the politician, and the entrepreneur to whom we owe the establishment of the most important museum in central-northern Sardinia. The figure of Sassari’s illustrious citizen will be emphasized through the events and the history of the places that have seen him as a protagonist.