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Sardinia in a Day. A day of life in Sardinia.

Sardinia narrated through the eyes of who loves it and lives it. The Polo Museale of Sardinia and the Museo Archeologico nazionale Antiquarium Turritano of Porto Torres, during the extended opening hours until 23.00, in collaboration with the Department of Culture of the Municipality of  Porto Torres, is presenting a documentary video titled Sardinia in a Day. A day of life in Sardinia. The film projection will start at 20.00 on Thursday, September 20, 2018 .

The documentary is inspired by the movie Life in a day by Ridley Scott, and it is considered to be the first social Sardinian movie. It consists of a collection of videos made by Sardinian and non-Sardinian individuals, who were asked to capture and document part of their days spent in Sardinia. Alberto Calvisi, Fabrizio Piras, Remo Scano, and Gabriele Peru, members of the cultural association Sardinia in a Day and creators of the documentary, will present the project.  The projection will be followed by a public forum, moderated by Maria Letizia Pulcini, archaeologist of the Antiquarium Turritano of Porto Torres, and by Mara Rassu, head of the Cultural Department of the Municipality of Porto Torres.