Sunday 13 October, 2019, will be the National family day at the museum.
These are the events scheduled at our museums:
Museo Archeologico Nazionale of Cagliari
The ancient potter – Families at the Museum. In collaboration with the Associazione Rocks Bay.
Participating children will work with a parent and will try to handle clay to create vases and other crafts, inspired by the archaeological relics of the Museum. The manual activity will be preceded by a short visit to the chronological journey where the ancient creation techniques of the pottery artifacts will be described. The educational workshop is intended for children 6 to 12 years of age, and their parents. The first section of the event will be from about 10.30 to 12.30, and the second one will be in the afternoon, from 16.30 to 18.30.
All activities are free of charge for children accompanied by an adult.
Reservations are necessary at or at phone number 393.8037721
At the end of the workshop all the crafted pottery will be taken over by the Museum staff for desiccating, and successively fired. All pottery will be given back to the crafters.
Museo Archeologico Nazionale “Antiquarium Turritano” and the archaeological area of Turris Libisonis
Once upon a time…..Turris Libisonis!
The archaeological remains tell multiple stories. We just need to know how to “listen” to them. The story of raw materials that traveled through the sea. The story of a skillful artisan that carried out an idea. The story of a person who loved an object very much, jealously safeguarding it for his whole life, or longer! Stories unfold, multiply, and intertwine, creating a net of narrations about an entire community.
This is the main theme of the workshop organized for the families by the Museo archeologico nazionale Antiquarium Turritano of Porto Torres . Children and their parents, or relatives, will try to piece together the multiple stories that the objects will be able to tell them: from the journey of the raw materials of which they are made of, through the hands of the creators, until the discovery of who utilized them and why. At the end of the activities the families will reunite, and the children with the adults will talk about what the objects told them, like the stories of people, of a territory, of an entire community. The stories of the ancient colony of Turris Libisonis.
The event is free of charge.
For information:
+ 39 079514433
Compendio Garibaldino of Caprera
Follow the trace and travel through time
For the National Family Day at the museum, children will be given the museum map, created by the Focus Junior magazine.
The map was conceived specifically for children, and it contains information that allows the young visitor to discover the treasure of the Compendio, and to learn about the professionals who work at the museum, and their activities. Children will also be able to participate in a treasure hunt with the help of their parents. Thanks to this simple instrument, families will be engaged in a new cultural experience that focuses on the relationship and the pleasure of staying together while playing.
For information:
+ 39 0789 727162