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Lorenzo Achille Scotto, one of Garibaldi’s Thousand.

Saturday 13 July, at 18.00, the Compendio Garibaldino of Caprera is hosting the presentation of the biography of Lorenzo Achille Scotto. He was one of the 1089 Garibaldi’s followers that left from Quarto, and the only one who was born and died in Rome. The book is written by Antonello Scotto, from Savona, and a descendant of Lorenzo Achille Scotto. He is a documentary producer for the House of Representatives. The book retraces the entire biographical events of the Garibaldi follower, from his family origins to his patriotic life until his death, while working as a clerk at the Municipality of Rome.

Lorenzo Achille Scotto

Scotto’s work is meticulous and careful in the difficult research of the archive sources, and offers a very convincing image of his ancestor.

Like all the participants in the Expedition of the Thousand, with Italians from all walks of life and involved in an almost mythical role in the imagination of the Italian Risorgimento and the narration of the Unification of Italy, Lorenzo Scotto had a particular story of  his own, that after analyses and  studies, differentiated him from the rest of Garibaldi’s followers.

During the evening the writer will interact with Annita Garibaldi Jallet, great-granddaughter of the Hero of Two Worlds and president of ANVRG (Associazione nazionale Veterani e Reduci Garibaldini).