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Azulejos. The art under the feet.

The appreciation of the azulejos, ceramic decorated tiles of Iberian origin of the fifteenth – seventeenth centuries.

The director of the Polo Museale of Sardinia, Giovanna Damiani, in collaboration with the Pinacoteca nazionale of Cagliari, is inaugurating an exhibition titled: Azulejos. The art under the feet. The event will take place on Wednesday 12 September, 2108, in the conference room of the Spazio San Pancrazio. On exhibit are the 60 original pieces that were part of the decorative apparatus of some ecclesiastical buildings of Cagliari, such as Saint Francesco of Stampace and Saint Domenico. The exhibition of such an original part of the collection is linked to the pictorial essence  of the Pinacoteca, where the azulejos create the ideal environment for the scenes of the Retabli.  Also part of the exhibition are 30 replicas of the azulejos, created by the students of class III C of the school Arborea of Cagliari, who participated in the workshops during the project School/Work Alternation, led by the A.N.F.F.A. S Onlus of Cagliari. Speaker for the event will be Maria Francesca Porcella, historian of the Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle arti e Paesaggio for the metropolitan city of Cagliari and the provinces of Oristastano and South Sardinia.