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Palermo or hell.

The puppets come to life to retrace the contacts, the relationships, the insurrections, and the most important phases of Garibaldi’s ventures.

The Memoriale Giuseppe Garibaldi of Caprera will be exceptionally open from 19.30 to 24.00 on Tuesday 17 July, 2018. A video of the puppet show of the Sicilian Company Figli d’arte Cuticchio, titled Palermo or hell, will be shown at 22.00.

Surrounded by the evocative atmosphere of Fort Arbuticci, overseeing the Archipelago of La Maddalena, visitors will enjoy the video of the historical company of Sicilian artisans, led by Mimmo Cuticchio: actor, director, and most of all one of the main heirs of the Sicilian storytellers and puppeteers. For this occasion, visitors can admire the puppet theater, one of the most prestigious pieces of  museum collection, displayed inside the last hall of the Memoriale. The puppets of Garibaldi, Nino Bixio, Rosalia Montmasson, Sicilian Picciotto, and others, will come to life in a performance that narrates the history of the General, highlighting his long march from Quarto to Palermo.