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Virtual Turris Libisonis.

The archaeological area of Turris Libisonis, entrance area adjacent to the Antiquarium Turritano of Porto Torres, is organizing guided tours on Friday, 23 October 2020, at 17.30. Visitors will be able to view, on a tablet, the 3D reconstruction of the thermal baths and the tabernae. This initiative substitutes the virtual tours planned for the 23rd and 30th of October, which included the use of VR headsets for enhanced reality.

Due to the increase in COVID-19 infections recorded in Sardinia, and to safeguard and protect the health and safety of visitors, all other events have been canceled and will resume when the situation has improved. In compliance with the rules for the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency, access will be limited.

Participation to the event requires reservations at ph. +39 079514433 or an email to the following address:

Free admission.